Like every coin has two sides, so does almost everything that we do in life. This is also the fact where taking up part time jobs is concerned. Part time jobs have its own set of advantages and disadvantages. While the former do outnumber the latter, yet it is important for people to be aware of both these sides of the part time jobs coin.
In the entire advantages vs disadvantage scenarios, first let us look at the advantages, which are listed here:
Financial independence. This is important for the youngsters, as well as the homemakers. Even though one may hail from an affluent family, yet it becomes awkward each time one needs to ask for money. Instead of that it is easier to earn and spend
Additional income in the household. This is all the more the situation where homemakers have spare time in hand. After completing the entire household chores one tends to spend time in front of the television or reading books and magazines. However, one can take up a part time job in the locality and bring in that extra income that could either go into savings or take care of some additional expenses.
Makes one productive. Sitting and whiling away time can be destructive, especially for youngsters and ladies. Instead going out and taking up a job for a few eyes, would put the mind to a constructive mood, and also brings home the extra earning
Interaction with the world. By taking up a job in the spare time, one gets to interact with more people, rather than sitting within the four walls and spending time in loneliness waiting for other members of the family to return
Experience and maturity amongst youth. Employing the youth for a couple of hours a day initiates them into the work culture. It also brings in them a lot more maturity.
The disadvantages are as follows:
Excessive money in the hands of youngsters can lead them to bad habits
Earning one's pocket money may make them so over-confident that they would rather drop their education, since they are already earning more than they knew they could
These are the prime disadvantages that can be kept in check.
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